Tài liệu đề thi thử môn Tiếng Anh (Có đáp án)

28. Gold ______ in California in the nineteenth century.
A. was discovered B. has been discovered
C. was discover D. they discovered
29. ______ shoes are always of various types.
A. Woman’s B. Womans’
C. Women’s D. Womens’
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  1. MATHVN.COM | www.MATHVN.com | 30 đề thi th ử môn Ti ếng Anh 45. A. jump B. jumping C. to jump D. jumped 20. He has in giving up smoking. 46. A. for B. after C. into D. out A. to succeed B. successful C. unsuccessful D. succeeded 47. A. any B. much C. some D. no 21. On a spaceship gravity is zero and everything seems to 48. A. X B. for C. after D. to A. fly B. flying C. float D. floating 22. It's the English language is used as an official language in 44 countries. 49. A. ever B. still C. never D. just A. which B. that C. who D. whom 50. A. so B. too C. also D. such 23. A person who teaches at university is a TEST 9 A. teacher B. lecturer C. professor D. student I- Choose the best answer: 24. What's the place you stand and wait for a train? 1. I don't mind you home late as long as you don't make so much noise. A. when B. where C. which D. that A. go B. to go C. going D. went 25. Vietnam is a country. 2. The girl photo was in the paper today lives in our street. A. develop B. developed C. developing D. to develop A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 26. Phone the if the lights don't work. 3. The of this city has increased rapidly in the recent years. A. electric B. electrician C. electrify D. electricity A. number B. population C. crowd D. total 27. I borrowed the money the bank. 4. The is the place where a particular species of animal is normally found. A. to B. of C. for D. from A. habit B. surrounding C. region D. area 28. We Betty since she moved to our neighborhood. 5. My younger brother would like to become a computer A. have known B. had known C. are knowing D. knew A. program B. programmer C. to program D. programmed 29. Do we attend the dance? 6. The lazy student felt about his coming examination because he had hardly leant A. ought B. have got to C. must to D. have to anything at all. 30. My sister is than me. A. easy B. easier C. uneasy D. not easy A. much older B. much elder C. most older D. more older 7. Foreigners who learn English normally have difficulty with its 31. You should hear Lucy play guitar. A. pronounce B. pronunciation C. pronounced D. pronouncing A. the B. one C. some D. a 8. The company is not taking on any new this year. 32. Betty a lot of presents on her birthday. A. to employ B. employer C. employee D. employ A. was given B. gave C. was giving D. was been given 9. The old couple have saved a lot of money for their 33. I'm really looking Christmas this year. A. retire B. retiring C. to retire D. retirement A. after B. out for C. into D. forward to 10. I admire the use of color in her paintings. 34. can come to the club. You don't need to be a member. A. effection B. effective C. to effect D. effecting A. Someone B. Every C. Each one D. Anyone 11. English is a easy language for Swedes to learn. 35. The dog must to the vet. A. compare B. to compare C. comparatively D. comparison. A. taken B. be taken C. be take D. take 12. We walked to the bus stop in ten minutes. 36. My nephews speak French really A. near B. nearer C. next D. nearest A. good B. better C. well D. best 13. She can't apply the job because she doesn't have enough qualifications. 37. There is food left but not enough for everyone. A. in B. for C. to D. at A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 14. More than half of the world's are printed in English. 38. luggage is this? - It's Karen's A. period B. periodic C. periodicals D. periodically A. What B. Which C. How much D. Whose 15. Did anyone ask you to make a at the reception? 39. have you been playing the flute? - Since 1992. A. speaking B. speech C. to speak D. speak A. When B. Since C. How long D. How long ago 16. Mark Twain was born in Missouri 1835. 40. The meeting will start when everyone A. on B. for C. in D. at A. will arrive B. arrives C. is arriving D. will be arriving 17. He won't pass the exam he works hard. A. if B. unless C. or D. whether II- Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps: 18. They are the children won the match yesterday. Steven Spielberg was born in Ohio. He is one of the most (41) filmmakers in recent times, and in A. whose B. who C. whom D. which his (42) he has earned millions (43) dollars. He has been making movies (44) 1961. His first film 19. We would go camping the weather were fine. was a war movie, Escape to Nowhere , (45) was made when he was only 13. He studied English A. although B. if C. but D. however www.mathvn.com 10 www.MATHVN.com
  2. MATHVN.COM | www.MATHVN.com | 30 đề thi th ử môn Ti ếng Anh literature at California State University and then worked in the television division (46) A. who B. his C. whose D. which Universal Studios in Hollywood for seven years. 13. I English for 6 years now. In 1975, he made the movie Jaws , which (47) very successful, and (48) him rich and famous. A. am studying B. will have studied Since then, he has made more than 30 movies, including the box- office hits Close C. have been studied D. have been studying Encounters of the Third Kind , Indiana Jones, ET, and Jurassic Parkura . He has also directed (49) serious movies, like Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan , and he has produced a lot 14. My uncle has given up of hit movies. In 1994, he formed a new Hollywood studio, Dreamworks. Recently , A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked Dreamworks has been (50) Microsoft to produce interactive computer games and videos. 15. Have you been Ho Chi Minh city? 41. A. success B. unsuccess C. successful D. unsuccessful A. Until you not B. Already not C. Still not D. Not yet 42. A. job B. career C. work D. profession 16. I've got a new grammar book. - 43. A. of B. in C. work D. about A. How many cost? B. How much price? 44. A. ago B. for C. since D. in C. How much is it? D. How much you pay? 45. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 17. At four o'clock Mr Huchinson still had some to do in his garden. 46. A. in B. at C. into D. near A. work B. job C. effort D. take 47. A. were B. is C. are D. was 18. He has always been generous and he still 48. A. to make B. made C. makes D. make A. has been B. was C. is D. has 49. A. some B. much C. more D. most 19. Thank you for me. 50. A. worked B. work C. to work D. working A. invite B. invited C. inviting D. invitation 20. The lesson is difficult that nobody can understand it. A. so B. such C. very D. a lot TEST 10 21. That umbrella is I- Choose the best answer: A. our B. our's C. ours D. to our 1 eight musicians in the band. 22. What to the beggar? A. They will consist B. They are being A. did happen B. was happened C. happening D. happened C. There is D. There will be 23. Please smoke in the room. 2. We are very grateful your help. A. smoke B. smokes C. smoking D. smoked A. to B. at C. with D. for 24. We've got food in the house. 3. He wear a pair of glasses. A. plenty of B. plenty C. lots D. very much A. used to B. used C. use D. use to 25. Up to now I a lot of information about her. 4. Do you remember Mrs Goddard, taught us English composition? - I certainly do. A. would learn B. have learnt C. have learn D. will learn A. who B. whom C. that D. which 26. Mrs Smith, husband is a diplomat, gives cooking lessons. 5. It was too small. It wasn't A. whom B. who C. whose D. who's A. enough big B. big enough C. fairly big D. rather big 27. He was arrested. He 6. There is too much noise in this room. I can't understand what A. escaped B. was caught C. was stopped D. was seen A. is the professor saying B. is saying the professor 28. He heard a noise coming from the bar. C. that is the professor saying D. the professor is saying A. which was B. who was C. that is D. which is 7. Don't forget home as soon as you arrive at your destination. 29. I live a few yards the bus stop. A. to call B. calling C. having called D. to be called A. off B. away C. from D. with 30. We in this village 10 years ago. 8. They wanted to know if the woman had died of the rare A. have lived B. were living C. used to live D. lived A. illness B. pain C. ache D. hurt 31. I have a lot of books, which I haven't read. 9. NewYork, Tokyo and Paris are all A. many of B. most of C. some of D. all are correct A. big cities B. capital cities C. central cities D. in Europe 32. I'm sorry. I haven't got any money. I've my wallet at home. 10. I'll see you A. missed B. left C. let D. forgotten A. short B. after C. next D. later 33. If someone into the store, smile and say, " May I help you?" 11. Go and sit Richard. A. comes B. came C. would come D. could come A. beside B. next to C. by D. all are correct 34. The children have gone 12. This is the boy father is an architect. A. for shopping B. to shop C. shopping D. to make shopping www.mathvn.com 11 www.MATHVN.com
  3. MATHVN.COM | www.MATHVN.com | 30 đề thi th ử môn Ti ếng Anh 35. Life on earth destroyed unless nuclear tests stop. 7. Nobody has done this before. A. would be B. will C. will be D. is A. any B. can have C. have D. ever 36. The doctor succeeded the patient's life. 8. There isn't food in the house. A. when he saves B. saving C. to save D. in saving A. none B. no C. some D. any 37. She eats too much and now she is 9. He on his history studies all yesterday morning. A. weighed B. weight C. overweigh D. overweight A. used to work B. had worked C. was working D. has worked 38. Lots of people yoga to relax. A. give up B. take up C. do D. make 10. How fast did he drive? 301 miles an hour. 39. The people thought he was a bit strange. A. At B. With C. To D. By A. which he worked with B. with which he worked 11. He sometimes in bed until noon. C. with whom he worked D. he worked with A. stay B. is staying C. stays D. staying 40.A musician is a person music. 12. What has happened this poor man? A. who plays B. whose C. who play D. which plays A. with B. on C. for D. to 41. Do you know a good to paint my house? 13. My friend, Herbert, has always been fat. He still fat. A. painting B. paint C. who D. painter A. was B. has C. has been D. is 42. Please don't touch anything the police arrive. 14. That villa looks very old. When it built? A. when B. if C. unless D. until A. was B. does C. did D. is 43. These apples are different the ones you bought yesterday. 15. Will you to finish your homework? A. from B. with C. at D. about A. be able B. capable C. able D. opposite 44. He spent a lot of time reading books. A. on B. at C. in D. no word is needed 16. He speaks English he speaks French. 45. They treat women more equally than people in the North. A. gooder than B. worst than C. better than D. more better than A. very B. too C. so D. much 17. What did he find? - He was surprised at what 46. Many Welsh people speak English as their language. A. did he find B. he find C. he found D. he has found A. home B. first C. family D. mother 18. Everyone is his best. 47. Even if you can't stop driving altogether, at least try to cut A. making B. saying C. working D. doing A. off B. down C. up D. out 19. Wine is made grapes. 48. The crowd at a football match are often A. from B. of C. on D. with A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. being excited 20. We can live nothing but water for about one month. 49. If there gravity, water wouldn't run down hill. A. by B. for C. on D. with A. aren't B. isn't C. wasn't D. weren't 21. "War and Peace" the longest book I've ever read. 50. Your brother is very tall. What is his exact ? A. are B. were C. is D. was A. size B. length C. height D. measure 22. Little boys like trees. TEST 11 A. climb B. climbing C. swing from D. having a swing 23. I'm terribly sorry. 'Terribly" means I- Choose the best answer: A. quite B. quiet C. very D. extremely 1. already left by the time I arrived. 24. A teaches or does research in physics. A. He is B. He has C. He was D. He'd A. physicist B. mathematician C. chemist D. physician 2. He is good all sports. A. at B. in C. into D. with 25. I've got no money. Can you me five pound. 3. I felt frightened. It was experience. A. lend B. borrow C. rent D. do A. frightening B. a frightening C. the frightening D. one frightening 26. Big Ben is the clock in London. 4. I don't want milk today. A. famousest B. most famous C. more famous D. famouser A. some B. any C. no D. many 27. I shall be ready a moment. 5. If you someone else, who would you like to be? A. for B. in C. with D. on A. can be B. have been C. are D. could be 28. Have you ever gone abroad? - No, 6. How long will it to get there? A. I never have B. I have never C. I have D. I have ever A. cost B. lose C. make D. take 29. Fred was sent to school the age of six. www.mathvn.com 12 www.MATHVN.com
  4. MATHVN.COM | www.MATHVN.com | 30 đề thi th ử môn Ti ếng Anh A. at B. in C. on D. from A. wrote/ won B. has written/ won C. writes/ win D. has written/ has won 2. At the moment, she a detective story. 30. What's the name of the song those girls are singing? A. writes B. wrote C. is writing D. has written A. what B. whom C. who D. which 3. Linh in Hanoi but her brother Minh in Thai Nguyen. 31. Is this film worth ? A. lives/ is living B. lives/ lives C. living/ living D. live/ living 4. I have to leave before seven, so A. to see B. seeing C. see D. to have seen A. can you B. do you C. are you D. have you 32. It was so late that I take a taxi. 5. My brother is not keen pop music. A. have to B. was to C. must D. had to A. to listen B. listening to C. on listening D. on listening to 6. You better be careful not to miss the train. 33. It was made copper. A. would B. should C. did D. had A. by B. from C. of D. in 7. It is written English, which is not systematically phonetic that difficulties to foreigners. 34. We spent the days on the beach. A. causes B. gives C. makes D. does 8. Isaac Newton was an English physicist theory of gravitation is famous throughout the world. A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. few sunny last A. which B. who C. whose D. that 35. Please drive You are making me nervous. 9. among young people is now a serious problem in many countries in the world. A. slow B. more slowly C. more slow D. slowlier A. employ B. employment C. unemployed D. unemployment 36. A machine can work 100 time as fast as any person 10. John is from England. He is not used on the right side of the road. A. to drive B. to driving C. of driving D. driving A. can B. work C. did D. could 11. I'm glad. I've succeeded persuading him to phone her. 37. Mary would lend me some money if I her. A. in B. at C. with D. of A. ask B. am asking C. will ask D. asked 12. It rained so that after only half an hour everywhere was flooded. A. heavy B. heavier C. heavily D. more heavily 38. You will not succeed working harder. 13. Are you free Saturday evening? A. unless B. if C. without D. although A. in B. at C. on D. for 39. If you hurry, you will be there midnight. 14. His father was a farmer who died before his son's birth. His mother, uncle and grandmother took care him A. until B. while C. on D. by A. for B. after C. of D. in 40. does he call? - Once a month. 15. His son became famous the age of 21. A. How seldom B. How long C. How soon D. How often A. with B. at C. for D. in 16. In 1669 Isaac Newton was appointed professor and began giving lectures mathematics. 41. I'd rather camping with them. A. on B. for C. in D. with A. went B. going C. go D. am going 17. He wasn't interested in until he grew older. 42. I'd like to thank you what you have done. A. mathematics B. mathematician C. mathematical D. mathemat 18. You look in a new dress. A. by B. X C. for D. on A. more beautiful B. beautify C. beautifully D. more beautifully 43. We won't go out it stops raining. 19. His first experiment was carried out in 1658. A. if B. if not C. unless D. when A. physics B. physician C. physical D. physicist 20. who invented the steam engine, was a famous Scottish inventor. 44. She is the woman I wrote. A. James Watt B. Faraday C. M. Curie D. Einstein A. to whom B. whom to C. who D. whose 21. If you let an object off your hand, it will certainly 45. The house five months ago. A. fall B. fly C. run D. move 22. If our sources of energy ends, our life A. has completed B. completed C. was completed D. has been completed A. will destroyed B. destroys C. will destroy D. will be destroyed 46. did Lucy come? - By train. 23. Mary looks very A. When B. How C. Why D. Where A. success B. successful C. successfully D. sadly 47. a good weekend. 24. Children enjoy in the river. A. swim B. swimming C. swam D. to swim A. Make B. Spend C. Pass D. Have 25. I many young men since I came here in June. 48. It looks than it really is. A. has seen B. saw C. have seen D. see A. high B. higher C. much high D. far high 26. Sleep is to our health. A. necessity B. necessary C. necessarily D. necessitate 49. A film fan is a person who films. 27. Football is one of the most games of English people. A. makes B. sees C. enjoys seeing D. possesses A. popular B. popularly C. popularity D. popularize 50. Tim is in Australia. He went Australia six months ago. 28. We English as an effective means of communication. A. speak B. have C. study D. find A. to B. in C. at D. into 29. She tried to work so that she could pass the exam. TEST 12 A. hardly B. harden C. hard D. hardship I- Choose the best answer: 30. The peace Oxford once knew has been swept. 1. Annette is a short story writer. She several books of short stories, and she several A. which B. who C. whom D. where rewards for her books. 31. Those are your shoes, ? www.mathvn.com 13 www.MATHVN.com
  5. MATHVN.COM | www.MATHVN.com | 30 đề thi th ử môn Ti ếng Anh A. aren't those B. aren't you C. aren't they D. are not they D. none are correct. 32. If man continue cutting down forests, the life on the earth affected. 50. Why does the sun look bigger when it is seen from Mercury? A. will be B. would be C. could be D. would have been - Because 33. Hyde Park has Speakers' corner one may say anything one pleases. A. Mercury is the smallest planet of the sun. A. which B. that C. when D. where B. Mercury is nearer to the sun. 34. English in many parts of the world. C. Mercury is a light planet. A. speaks B. is spoken C. is speaked D. is spoken D. It only takes Mercury 88 days to move round the sun. 35. Someone has stolen my bicycle. My bicycle A. has stolen B. has been stole C. has been stolen D. has been stolen 36. A/ An is a person who gives lectures, especially at a university or college. A. story teller B. orator C. lecturer D. speaker 37. I'm fed up with the same TV programme every night. A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watched 38. He'd like to buy a newspaper. A. week B. weekdy C. weekly D. day 39. A person who studies life of plants and animals is called a A. geologist B. physicist C. biologist D. chemist 40. This is my friend, I went to the zoo yesterday. A. with whom B. whom C. who D. whose 41. The earth moves round the sun without A. stoping B. stop C. to stop D. stopping 42. She is to come from city. A. likely B. like C. seem D. alike 43. I don't know where A. does she come B. she does comes C. she comes D. is she comes 44. Michael's afraid spiders. A. about B. from C. for D. of 45. I remember him before. A. to have seen B. saw C. to see D. seeing II- Read the following passage and choose the best answer: Mercury is the smallest member of the sun's family. It is only 3.100 miles across. It is also the sun's swiftest planet. Its yearly journey round the sun is only 85 days. Mercury always keeps one side towards the sun. On this side it is always day, on the other side always night. We only see the lighted side. Mercury appears to us like a yellowish orange star. The nearest planet to the sun, it is always seen near the sun, either just before sunrise or soon after sunset. People sometimes call mercury the morning star or evening star. Mercury is half the size of the earth. Because it is much lighter, it has much less gravity. If you can visit Mercury in a spaceship, you will find it a strange world. Its low gravity makes you feel very light. If your weight on earth is 100 pounds, your weight on Mercury is only 27 pounds. Looking at the sun from Mercury, you can see that it's much more brilliant than it is seen from the earth. And the yellow centre of the sun appears three times bigger from Mercury. On its lighted side, Mercury's temperature is about 300 degrees centigrate. But the dark side is extremely cold, but 150 degrees below zero so mercury is probably the coldest as well as the hottest of the planets. 46. A. Mercury is A. the sun's fastest planet B. the coldest planet C. the hottest planet D. all are correct 47. We cannot see the dark side of Mercury because A. it moves very fast. B. it always appears just before sunrise or soon after sunset. C. it always keeps one side towards the sun. D. it is too far for us to see. 48. When can we see Mercury? - We can see it A. just before the sunset B. just before sunrise C. after the sunset D. both A and C are correct 49. Why do we weigh much on the earth than on Mercury? - Because A. Mercury is nearer to the sun. B. Mercury has got less gravity than the earth. C. Mercury is much hotter. www.mathvn.com 14 www.MATHVN.com