Đề ôn trắc nghiệm Toiec - Nguyễn Quang Tú

12. The greater an objects's mass, the more difficult it is ____________ .  (A)
(A) to speed it up or slow it down                                 
(B) it speeds up or slows down
(C) than speeding it up or slowing it down
(D) than speeding up or slowing down
doc 61 trang Khánh Bằng 29/12/2023 4500
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  1. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 142. Found in all parts of the state, pines are the most ordinary trees in Georgia. A B C D 143. Predators and parasites share a fundamental characteristic: they both survive a the price of others. A B C D 130.C 131.A 132.D 133.B 134.C 135.D 136.C 137.D 138.A 139.C 140.C 141.C 142.D 143.C 144. This Information ___ to a great many people. (A) was proved to be useful (B) has proved it useful (C) has been proved to be useful (D) has proved useful 145. Psychiatrists are ridiculed for ___ , but new research on genes and the brain suggests they might be right. (A) a mental illness calling every quirk (B) a calling for mental illness ever quirk (C) calling mental illness an every 146. In the 1940's and 1950's, biochemists strived to learn what each of the vitamins was essential for health. 147. Biochemists discovered that key enzymes in metabolism depend on one or another of the vitamins as A B C D coenzymes to perform the chemistry that provides cells energy for growth and function. E F 148. These gene hunters, or genetic engineers, use recombinant DNA technology to identify and clone A genes and introduce it into bacterial cells and plants to create factories for the massive production of B C hormones and vaccines for medicine and for better crops for agriculture. D 149. The railway network expanded rapidly until the railroad map of the United States looked like a A B spider's web, with the steel filaments connect all important sources of raw materials, their places of C manufacture, and their centers of contribution. D 150. The railroad contributed to the industrial growth not only by connecting these major centers, but also by themselves consume enormous amounts of fuel, iron, and coal. A B C D 151. The increased urban population was nourished by the increased farm production that, in turn, was A B made more productive by the use of the new farm machine. C D 152. Europe now began to send tides of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe - most of them A B were originally poor farmers but who settled in American industrial cities. C D 144.D 145.D 146.C 147.F 148.B 149.C 150.B 151.D 152.B 153. Often when the weather is extremely hot, people have very thirsty but are not terribly hungry. A B C D 154. Pioneers on the plains sometimes living in dugouts, sod rooms cut into hillsides. A B C D 155. In 1786 Benjamin Franklin first suggested daylight savings time as a means of cutting down on the A B C consumes of candles D 156. An extremely dangerous forms of cocaine, crack attacks the nervous system, brain, and body in a A B C
  2. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology sharper fashion than cocaine. D 157. On February 20, 1962, Friendship T has orbited the Earth in a manned flight that last just under five A B C D hours. 158. While his racking days, racehorse John Henry earned a record $6.5 million, $2.3 million more than A B his closest competitor. C D 159. Cartilage covers the ends of bones helps to protect the joints from wear and tear. A B C D 160. The Alaskan malamute, used extensively to pull sleds, is closely reacted to the wolves. A B C D 161. Many of the characters portrayed by writer Joyce Carol Oats is mentally ill. A B C D 162. The new system responds at seconds to any emergency. A B C D 163. The GATT is an international agreement designing to increase trade among member nations. A B C D 164. The closer to one of the Earth's poles, the greater ___ gravitational force. (A) is (B) the (C) has (D) it has 165. The flamingo uses its bill ___ feeding to filter mud and water from the tiny plants and animals that it finds in shallow ponds. (A) when (B) is (C) that it is (D) was 166. The amount of lapsed time between the thunder and lightening can be used to determine ___ . (A) how the thunder and lightening are far away (B) how far away the thunder and lightening are (C) how far away are the thunder and lightening (D) the thunder and lightening are how far away 167. The United States celebrate the birth of its independence every Fourth of July. A B C D 168. Laminated safety glass is produced with combining alternate layers of flat glass and plastic. A B C D 169. In one type of laminating, alternate layers of wood are placed with their grains running at night A B C angles to each others. D 170. In general, prawns live shallow coastal waters or in streams. A B C D 171. The zenith provides a means for making various calculates in astronomy. A B C D 172. The application of electronic controls made ___ by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter. (A) it possible (B) possible (C) it is possible (D) possibility 173. After the great blizzard of 1988 in the northeastern United States, it took some ___ the snow away from their homes. (A) days to shovel people several (B) people several days to shovel
  3. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology (C) several days people to shovel (D) people to shovel several days 174. A merger is a combination of two or more businesses down below a single management. A B C D 175. Bats rely on their hearings to navigate and to find food at night. A B C D 176. Our urge to classify different life forms and give us names seems to be as old as the human race. A B C D 177. Many of the trees native to the state of maine yield useful woods, a number of which are of tall A B C D market value. 178. Sugar cane, a native of Bengal, became the chief produce of West Indies. A B C D 153.B 154.C 155.D 156.A 157.A 158.A 159.A 160.D 161.C 162.C 163.B 164.B 165.A 166.B 167.D 168.D 169.D 170.B 171.C 172.B 173.B 174.C 175.B 176.B 177.? 178.? 179. Mount St. Helens, a volcano in Washington State in the United States, erupted in Mary 18, 1980. A B C D 180. Despite of its isolation in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra, over 36,000 people died A B C in the tidal waves following the explosion of Krakato. D 181. Many of the satellites of space carry telescopes and other instruments used in astronomy to A B C look at the stars. D 182. Wood, the hardened material from which trees are composed, is made up of millions of tiny A B C tubes of fibers packed together. D 183. Animals that live in areas that are covered in show in winter change the color of their coat A B C according the seasons. D 184. The dodo, a giant bird now extinct, lived on the island of Mauritius, in Indian Ocean. A B C D 185. Pelican Island in Florida and Oregon Islands in Oregon are wildlife refuges. A B C D 186. The most coral islands develop from reefs that grow up around volcanic refuges. A B C D 187. When the island of Surtsey was eighteen months old a first leafy green plant appeared. A B C D 179.(D) 180.(A) 181.(B) 182.(B) 183.(D) 184.(D) 185.(D) 186.(A) 187.(?) 188. The new island of Surtsey is its ideal natural laboratory for scientists. A B C D 189. Coral reefs are limestone formations composed of tiny sea organisms and the remains. A B C D 190. The most of the energy used in our homes and factories is generated from coal, oil, and natural gas A B C D 191. Zachary Taylor was first president to be elected from a State west of the Mississippi River. A B C D 192. "Old faitful" in the Yollowstone National Park is probably the world's most famous geyser. A B C D 193. The world's fastest animal is cheetah, but if bird are included, the fastest of all animals is A B C the spine-tailed swift.
  4. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology D 194. Soybeans were first grown in the Orient and brought to the Western world during the World War A B C D Two. 195. It is amazing what discovered Faraday in the field of science without the use of mathematics. A B C D 188.(C) 189.(D) 190.(A) 191.(A) 192.(B) 193.(B) 194.(D) 195.(A) 196. The production of tin ore in the United States is relatively insignificant, less than one hundred tons annually. a. amount to b. in the amount c. amount to it d. to the amount of 197. Earlier or later, all lakes are influenced by eutrophication, a process in which lake sediment lowers A B the depth of the water and drains oxygen from it. C D 198. Jekyll island has been one of Georgia's State parks in 1954. A B C D 199. Bells are frequently made from bronze, an alloy of approximately three part copper and one part tin. A B C D 200. A logarithm is algebra as an exponent. a. known what b. known what it is c. what is known d. what it is known 201. Negotiable instruments such as personal checks may ordinarily be transferred to another people A B C by endorsement. D 202. Scientists and economists believe that human beings can never use away all the mineral resources A B C D on Earth. 196.A 197.A 198.D 199.D 200.C 201.C 202.C 203. Idaho ranks first among the states in potatoes production. A B C D 204. The decay of a muon is an example of an weak interaction between atomic particles. A B C D 205. All village or tribe of the North American Indian confederacy had its annual green corn dance, A B a festival in which social ties were renewed. C D 206. Pipelines are continually inspected for leaks and for damage caused by such conditions as freezing A temperatures, heavy rain, and soil erode. B C D 207. Plastics used to make textiles can be drawn into fine threads, then woven or knit into fabrics. A B C D 208. Not only in the field of psychology but animal behavior is examined as well. a. human behavior is studied b. is human behavior studied c. is studied human behavior d. human behavior 209. The new information on asbestos caused panic in construction and industry like. A B C D
  5. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 203.(d) 204.(c) 205.(a) 206.(d) 207.(d) 208.(b) 209.(d) 210. The weaving design was then embellished with a series of small chained diamond of A B C vertical and zigzag lines. D 211. Aside from the resolution to have more ecumenical conferences, the most accomplishment of the A B group was that it met at all. C D 212. The intelligence ability of an athlete is usually far more than they would expect. A B C D 213. The more Robert tried to please his mother through mere flattery, the greater he succeeded in A B C D annoying her. 214. Do you know that the population of Washington D.C. is about as many as that of Minneapolis? A B C D 215. Most William Faulkner's novels deal with the universal problems of evil as represented by family A B C D disintegration and degeneration. 210.(c) 211.(b) 212.(c) 213.(c) 214.(c) 215.(?) 216. Generally speaking, tax returns must be filed annually, but in few cases they must be submitted A B C every six months. D 217. A question often posed about journalism is "How much freedom should reporters have A B interpreting any given news item?" C D 218. An analytical index group many individual subtopics under major subject headings. A B C D 219. Within the Alamo were one hundred and eighty men, more than two thirds of them had A B recently migrated from near-by states. C D 220. Every one of the boys here yesterday has a bicycle. a. was b. were c. who was d. who were 221. The building opposite to the bank is among the few higher ones that has been put up A B C during the last few years. D 216.(c) 217.(d) 218.(a) 219.(b) 220.(d) 221.(c) 222. The hurricane, coming while it did, took the Florida coastal community by surprise. A B C D 223. Why did the Galapagos Islands have so many finches, a different kind of beak suited to its special feeding habits a. each has b. with each c. each with d. with which 224. All steam engines work for the same reason : steam occupies more than 1,700 times the water from which it comes. a. of the space of much of b. much of the space c. with as much space as d. as much space as 225. Scientists have recently argued that Einstein's contribution to physics and mathematics are less
  6. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology A B C important as Newton's. D 226. Even the most discriminating gourmet will agree that food in the South is as good as any other A B C D region in the country. 227. The study of astronomy is so recent as the past centuries, but astrology has existed for thousands A B C D of years. 228. The scientists who are probably mostly interested in flights to the moon are geologists. 229. Microwave oven thermometers are more cost than other kinds of thermometers. A B C D 230. Mercury is the most small planet in the solar system and the closest to the sun. A B C D 231. The store . a. that had the recently big sale went bankrupt b. that recently had the big sale went bankrupt c. that had the big recently sale went bankrupt d. that had the big sale went recently bankrupt 232. The intelligence ability of an athlete is usually for more than they would expect. A B C D 222.(B) 223.(C) 224.(D) 225.(C) 226.(D) 227.(A) 228.(D) 229.(B) 230.(B) 231.(B) 232.(C) 233. Farmers grow popcorn in much the same way field corn, except that the rows are planted closer together. a. that they grow b. that grow c. they grow it d. do they grow 234. often added to sauces and soups, is plentiful and relatively inexpensive. a. Parsely, an herb that is b. For parsely, an herb to be c. An herb, parsely is d. Parsely, is that herb 235. The Grapes of Wrath, a novel about the Depression years of the 1930's, is one of John Steinbecks's books. a. most famous b. the most famous c. are most famous d. and most famous 236. A semiconductor is a substance that seldom conducts electricity, but under certain circumstances. a. so can do b. do so can c. can do so d. so do can 237. Among the giants of the sea , which may weigh up to 1,000 pounds. a. tuna b. the tuna c. being the tuna d. is the tuna 238. one of more units of living substance called protoplasm. a. All living things consist of b. Although all living things that consist of c. All living things consisting of d. In all living things consisting of 239. A newspaper's political cartoons capsule versions of editorial opinion. a. serve as b. serve c. in serving d. be served 240. A painter who lived most of his life in the Middle West, Grant Wood has called America's "Painter A B C D of the Soil."
  7. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 241. Chromosomes as appear long, tangled threads when they first become visible during the early A B C D prophase stage of mitosis. 233.(A) 234.(A) 235.(A) 236.(C) 237.(D) 238.(A) 239.(A) 240.(D) 241.(A) 242. In the Middle Ages, books called bestiaries were prepared in an attempt to describe animals, real or A B imagine, that exemplified human traits. C D 243. The relationship of Latin American music to Black music in the United States is clearly evident in A B C the unaccented beats that are common to either. D 244. Seven of planets rotate in the same direction as their orbital motions, while Venus and Uranus A B C rotate in the opposite direction. D 245. A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten the lives. A B C D 246. Nobody should be able to find fault in that argument. A B C D 247. Since the early 1990's Luther Burbank bred a spineless variety of cactus that can be eaten as food. A B C D 248. The highest temperature ever recorded in the United States was 134。F on Death Valley, California, A B C in 1913. D 249. All sewing was done with hand until the invention of the sewing machine in the nineteenth century. A B C D 250. Only a few species of the wasp can adapt to cold environments. A B C D 251. A drama is a story intended to be presented by actors onto a stage. A B C D 252. The relationship between law to liberty is even more paradoxical than that between law and order. A B C D 253. An opera combines the excitement of drama and spectacle to the power of music. A B C D 242.(C) 243.(D) 244.(A) 245.(D) 246.(B) 247.(A) 248.( ) 249.( ) 250.( ) 251.(D) 252.(A) 253.(D) 254. No custom, belief, or action can be fully understood away its social or cultural context. A B C D 255. The Alexandria Gazette, published daily since 1797, is the oldest regularly published newspapers A B C in the United States. D 256. Diamond is the hardest substance known, whereas graphite, another carbon allotrope, is . A) the softest one of B) softest of the one C) the one of the softest D) one of the softest 257. Texas is the only state whose constitution permits it into smaller states. A) divides B) divide C) be dividing D) to be divided 258. Unlike ordinary light sources, a laser sends out a narrow beam of light on only one direction. A B C D 259. A thorough study of mythology requires familiarity for the properties of plants and trees, and the A B habits of wild birds and beasts. C D
  8. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 260. Seismology has not reached yet the stage where earthquakes can be foretold with a A B C great deal of accuracy. D 261. Until the ninth century, written words were not actually separated, in some literary writing, dots or points were used to indicate divisions. A)in spite of B) contrary C) contrast to D) but 262. Medical research indicates but large amounts of histamines can be responsible for colds, A B C D hay fever, and other respiratory reactions. 263. Precisely because photographs are produced by mechanical devices, a camera's images now seem A B to some artists the perfect means for expression the modern era. C D 264. The Swiss admit to running work camps for refugees during the war, but deny whether they were A B C specifically designed to victimize Jews. D 254.(D) 255.(C) 256.(D) 257.(D) 258.(D) 259.(B) 260.(A) 261.(D) 262.(A) 263.(D) 264.(C) 265. He was stopped each dozen yards by friends who wanted to congratulate him. A B C D 266. All objects are composed of many molecules and the force of gravity pulls on every of them. A B C D 267. One or the other of the secretaries have to attend the meeting. But both of them are reluctant to A B C D do so. 268. Wagner and Strauss were such good friends that they frequently exchanged gifts with one another. A B C D 269. Culture and society are so interdependent that they do not occur without each another. A B C D 270. The characters in Mrs. Paley's short stories are unable to understand anything about A themselves or to communicate with one another in any but the most primitive and B C D unrevealing fashion. 271. The farmer uses wood to build a house to store grains. a)with which b) where c)which d)in which 265.(A) 266.(D) 267.(C) 268.(D) 269.(D) 270.(B) 271.( ) 272. The seventeenth century was one in that many significant advances were made in both A B C D science and philosophy. 273. Some antibiotics used in the treatment of human disease are like only in that they are A B C D obtained from fungi and bacteria. 274. In the attempt to control inflation by eliminating social programs, there are ethical limits A B beyond where many economists and politicians are reluctant to go. C D 275. The biggest single hobby in America, the one that Americans spend most time, energy A B C and money, is gardening. D 276. Constructed in Chicago in 1883, the Home Insurance Building was the first building in A
  9. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology the world that the floors and the exterior masonry walls were supported by a skeleton B C D framework of metal. 277. Advancements in technology are inextricably linked to the strength and survival of the A B high-tech industry and its potential to create new jobs. C D 272.(B) 273.(C) 274.( ) 275.(B) 276.(B) 277.(C) 278. The chimpanzee possesses hand tool, the sticky termite stick, with which it digs termites A B C out of logs and stumps. D 279. For the past few years, researchers have perfected their control over the movement of A B C cells and microbes by using low-power laser beams. D 280. Perhaps the most unique thing about carbon atoms are their ability to combine with A B C D themselves. 281. Psychologists and psychiatrists are trained to encourage their parents to talk for the A B C things that are causing them difficulty. D 282. Physicists sought ways many others to emit light, amplifying it to much higher powers. A)how one atom or molecule could stimulate B)one atom or molecule stimulating C)stimulating one atom or molecule by D)by which one atom or molecule could stimulate 283. In mathematical terms, modern algebra is set of objects with rules for connecting or A B C relating those objects. D 284. Pennsylvania has the most institutions of higher learning than any other state has. A B C D 285. An ideal is a standard people judge real phenomena. A)how B)of C)by which D)for it 286. Founded around 1075, the Acoma pueblo is considered settlement in the United States. A) the oldest continuously occupied B) occupied continuously the oldest C) the oldest occupied continuously D) continuously the oldest occupied 287. One of the most difficult problems in understanding sleep is determining what the A B C functions of sleep is. D 278.(A) 279.(B) 280.(C) 281.(C) 282.(D) 283.(B) 284.(A) 285.(C) 286.(A) 287.(B) 288. Jacobson is often referred to at the factory. A)as the best engineer B)be the best engineer C)by the president to be the best engineer D) as being the best engineer 289. Teaching and learning are part of the same educational experience but unfortunately they A B are often thought of to be separate.