300 grammar sentences of certificate B

1. The mausoleum is ................. by Thien Thu mountain, two towering columns anda vast expanse of water.

         a. feed                      b. feeding                          c. fed                                 d. feeds

2. Put plants ............... a window so that they will get enough light.

         a. near to                  b. near of                           c. next to                           d. nearly

3. Employers often require that candidates have not only a degree .............

         a. but two years experience                                b. also two years experience

         c. but also two-year experience                          d. but more two years experience

4. Richard Nixon had been a lawyer and............... before he entered politics.

         a. served in the Navy as an officer                      b. an officer in the Navy

         c. the Navy had him as an officer                       d. did service in the Navy as an officer

5. If one of the participants in a conversation wonders ............... no real communication has taken place.

         a. what said the other person                              b. what the other person said

         c. what did the other person say                         d. what was the other person saying

6. The salary of a bus driver is much higher ................

         a. in comparison with the salary of a teacher      b. than a teacher

         c. than that of a teacher                                      d. to compare as a teacher

7. Professional people expect ............... when it is necessary to cancel an appointment.

         a. you to call them                                             b. that you would call them

         c. your calling them  d. that you are calling them

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Nội dung text: 300 grammar sentences of certificate B

  1. 300 GRAMMAR SENTENCES OF CERTIFICATE B a. warning motorists to slow b. warn motorists to slow c. warn motorists slowing d. to warn motorists slowing 196. Each of these sounds me sleepy. a. make b. made c. makes d. has make 197. Either Minh or his friends going to the beach today. a. is b. are c. was d. were 198. Everyone in the class the novel. a. has read b. have read c. has red d. have red 199. He often his dog when he comes home. a. whistles b. whistle c. is whistling d. are whistling 200. One of the golf clubs in the corner of the room at this moment. a. stand b. stands c. is standing d. are standing 201. One of the rooms an air conditioner. a. contain b. contains c. is containing d. are containing 202. Everyone of the clerks punch the time clock. a. has b. have c. has to d. have to 203. Each of his assistants the telephone. a. answer b. answers c. is answering d. are answering 204. Each of the girls the piano. a. play b. plays c. is playing d. are playing 205. I wonder why the English on the left hand side of the road. a. drive b. drove c. has driven d. had driven 206. He the custom was grounded in good sense. a. say b. said c. has said d. had said 207. A horse always mounted from the left. a. is b. was c. has been d. had been 208. There no rule about the movement of traffic before the Pope came to visit Paris. a. is b. are c. was d. were 209. Thus a custom born. a. is b. was c. has been d. had been 210. There only one place in the whole of England where it legal to drive on the right. a. is / is b. was / was c. are / is d. were / was 211. The founders of the American nature the custom after the Revolution. a. reverse b. reversed c. has reversed d. had reversed 212. When Bonaparte came along, he it the law of the land. a. makes b. made c. has made d. had made 213. The king just here yesterday. a. comes b. came c. has come d. had come 214. Many people their jobs because of the firm's collapse. a. lose b. lost c. has lost d. had lost 215. I cleaning the floor, and now it's dirty again. a. just finish b. just finished c. have just finished d. had just finished 216. I a ghost in my life. a. never see b. never saw c. have never seen d. had never seen 217. They dinner before coming here. a. have b. had c. have had d. had had 218. He waked up and down until he by the returning warmth. Page 11
  2. 300 GRAMMAR SENTENCES OF CERTIFICATE B a. is reassured b. was reassured c. has been reassured d. have been reassured 219. I will wait until you back. a. come b. came c. has came d. will come 220. We always take out umbrellas with us when it a. rains b. rained c. has rained d. had rained 221. I sat near the window whenever I a bus. a. take b. took c. has taken d. had taken 222. It was raining hard when I there. a. get b. got c. has got d. had got 223. She the piano since she was a child. a. plays b. played c. has played d. had played 224. The sun in the east. a. rise b. rose c. rises d. has risen 225. How long do you want me to heat the oil? - Heat it till it to smoke. a. begins b. began c. has begun d. had begun 226. How long are you going to stay here? - I'm going to stay here till my brother his exams. a. finishes b. finished c. would finish d. will finish 227. When will you start the trip?- We'll leave as soon as we our tickets. a. get b. got c. will get d. would get 228. - I'm learning English.- Well, when we English fluently, we may find a good job. a. speak b. spoke c. has spoken d. will speak 229. - By the time you this book, your meal will get cold. - Oh, I only have a few pages left. a. read b. will read c. have read d. had read 230. - Are you taking English courses? - Yes, and my teacher says that when I five courses, I shall be able to speak it quite fluently. a. have taken b. took c. has taken d. will take 231. - Is your father at home? - No, he is away on business. If you have a message for him, I it to him as soon as he home. a. give / gets b. give / will get c. will give / get d. will give / gets 232. - Please tell me how to get to the post office? - Go till you to a square with a statue in the middle; then turn left and you it on your right. a. come / fine b. come / will find c. will come / find d. will come / will find 233. - What did he say before he left for Paris? - He said he would give me a ring as soon as he Paris. a. reaches b. reached c. will reach d. would reach 234. - I thought you were going to the concert. - I was. But when I got there, the tickets sold out. So I go back home. a. was / had to b. had been / have to c. had been / had to d. were / had to 235. - How long have you been working in this firm? - I have been working here for five years. When I here for fifteen years, I'll be able to get some pension. a. work b. will be working c. has worked d. has been working 236. Tell us what to you yesterday? Page 12
  3. 300 GRAMMAR SENTENCES OF CERTIFICATE B a. happen b. happened c. had happened d. has happened 237. We you a telegram as soon as we in Chicago tomorrow. a. will send / arrive b. would send / arrived c. will send / will arrive d. send / arrive 238. The druggist for home when we to the store yesterday. a. already left / got b. had already left / got c. already left / had got d. had already left / had got 239. Mr. Carlson to another man when I him this morning. a. is talking / see b. was talking / saw c. had talked / saw d. has talked / saw 240. I Mr. Harris your message when I see him tomorrow. a. give b. gave c. will give d. would give 241. When George this afternoon, he his friends. a. will come / will bring b. comes / will bring c. comes / brings d. will come / brings 242. The Andersons into their new apartment last week. a. moves b. move c. moved d. has moved 243. As I the street, two cars by me at full speed yesterday. a. crossed / raced b. crossed / was racing c. crossed / had raced d. crossed / were racing 244. Mr. Brink the Atlantic by the time the news reaches him. a. cross b. are crossing c. will be crossing d. crosses 245. If we the news sooner, we would have written to John. a. received b. had received c. receive d. will receive 246. I'm sure they Ellen the information if they had it. a. give b. will give c. gave d. would give 247. If a policeman an accident, he will take the driver's name. a. see b. will see c. would see d. sees 248. We are going to buy the furniture if we some money. a. borrow b. borrowed c. will borrow d. would borrow 249. What tomorrow if you a millionaire? a. are you going to do / are b. were you doing to do / was c. will you do / was d. would you do / were 250. If Carl so careless, he wouldn't lose his good job. a. wasn't b. weren't c. hadn't been d. wouldn't be 251. If you the instruction, read them again. a. don't understand b. didn't understand c. hadn't understood d. wouldn't understand 252. I it unless I had seen it with my own eyes. a. will not believe b. would not believe c. would not have believed d. would not have believe 253. Fred it unless he had your permission. a. will not do b. would not do c. would do d. wouldn't have done 254. I that job even if the manager offers it to me. a. don't accept b. will not accept c. would not accept d. didn't accept 255. I was reluctant a decision without all the facts. a. to make / to know b. to make / knowing c. making / to know d. making / knowing 256. The man was accused of private property. a. to steal b. stealing c. stolen d. b & c are correct 257. After we all our exercises, we went to the cinema. Page 13
  4. 300 GRAMMAR SENTENCES OF CERTIFICATE B a. completed b. has completed c. has been completing d. had completed 258. None of us such a delicious meal like this. a. taste b. tastes c. tasted d. has tasted 259. The country is very , so travelling on the road is difficult. a. mountain b. mountain-high c. mountain-side d. mountainous 260. The teacher streaked the need for regular a. attend b. attendant c. attendance d. attender 261. John's improved at his new school. a. behave b. behavioral c. behavior d. behaviorism 262. Jim always does what he says; he's a very person. a. rely b. reliably c. reliance d. reliable 263. The company is very efficient and gives a service. a. speed b. speeding c. speedy d. speediness 264. Dogs are very pets. a. faith b. faithful c. faithfully d. faithfulness 265. Since has been so poor, the class has to be closed. a. attend b. attendant c. attendance d. attendee 266. Do you have a costume in your country? a. national b. nation c. native d. nationality 267. The weather will be better with showers. a. occasion b. occasional c. occasionally d. occasionality 268. I had no map. That's why I got lost. If I a map, I all right. a. have / will be b. had / would be c. had had / would have been d. a & b are correct 269. Most people the Union meeting if they had had longer notice of it. a. would have attended b. would attend c. will attend d. shall attend 270. The boy with his dog here last night. a. is b. are c. was d. were 271. Each of the boy won a prize. a. have b. has c. was d. were 272. He's got a lot of books a. read b. to read c. reading d. for read 273. I heard the door a. open b. to open c. opening d. a & c are correct 274. In your office, who is responsible for the mail? a. take care of b. caring of c. taking of d. taking care of 275. There is to believe that he is not prepared for his future work. a. reason b. reasonable c. reasonably d. a reason 276. This company offers a lot of jobs. a. attractive b. attracted c. attraction d. attract 277. The farmers need their crops. a. rotate b. to rotate c. rotating d. a & b are correct 278. A new road is being in my village. a. build b. built c. to build d. building 279. When the wastes are poured into the atmosphere, the air unpleasant to breathe. a. become b. becomes c. became d. has become 280. Now farmers are accustomed this fertilizer to their fields. Page 14
  5. 300 GRAMMAR SENTENCES OF CERTIFICATE B a. apply b. applying c. to apply d. to applying 281. Well, I think that the prices here are a. reason b. reasonable c. reasonably d. a reason 282. Do you feel to this kind of job? a. attractive b. attracted c. attraction d. attract 283. American women independent. a. are used to be b. are used to being c. is used to being d. is used to be 284. Which would you , tea or coffee? a. preference b. preferential c. prefer d. preferable 285. They are doing the same thing every day. a. bored with b. fond of c. afraid of d. like 286. Ask the shop where the washing powder is. a. nurse b. assistant c. barber d. conductor 287. That sells very good meat. a. baker b. dentist c. architect d. butcher 288. If my tooth doesn't stop hurting. I'll go and see my a. actor b. dentist c. writer d. jockey 289. Not many buses have a You usually pay the driver. a. manager b. farmer c. conductor d. porter 290. Look! The is feeding the lions. a. keeper b. pianist c. postman d. engineer 291. She is an girl. a. attractive b. attracted c. attraction d. attract 292. After your eye test, the will tell you if you need glasses. a. dentist b. doctor c. surgeon d. optician 293. The wanted to write an article about me in the paper. a. agent b. musician c. journalist d. announcer 294. I hope the can repair our car quickly. a. mechanic b. reporter c. surgeon d. engineer 295. He got drunk after drinking some drink. a. rich b. strong c. clever d. powerful 296. The of the moon for the earth causes the tides. a. attractive b. attracted c. attraction d. attract 297. He was right when he said that the man was guilty. a. reason b. reasonable c. reasonably d. a reason 298. Another word for "damage" is a. wound b. injury c. destruction d. destroy 299. “To employ” means to a. borrow b. buy c. hire d. work 300. Another word for "entire" is a. whole b. part c. strong d. completed THE END Page 15